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Projects vary from between a few hours spent helping to curate and best manage existing archive, to several days on biographical films or creating new heirlooms to share and hand down.

After an initial consultation, a price for that specific project will be agreed upfront.  Things can be tweaked along the way, but any changes may then be reflected in the price of the project - e.g. additional filming, travel or transfer costs may need to be factored in. 

Whenever makes sense, “homework” will be assigned to reduce cost - for example the initial sorting and collection of archive.   This means our clients are only paying for work they can’t - or would rather not - do themselves.

As a guide only - as can be tailored to circumstances:

Hourly £70

Half Day £275

Full Day £500

Half of the agreed project fee is requested at the outset, with the balance paid on completion.


Have you thought about booking a project as a gift?

It could be recording a one-off interview or activity, or booking several sessions as a course over 6 weeks meeting with the recipient once a week to complete a bigger project.  Do just get in-touch and we can discuss the possibilities.