With an MA in Social Anthropology, and a 25+ career in story-telling, including making documentary and travel films for public broadcast (BBC, Channel 4, National Geographic etc.) I'm now turning my skills towards helping individuals and families initiate projects that tell unique stories of their own.

Capturing my own family's wonderful characters and memorable moments has been something I've enjoyed from a young age.  From recording our grandparents' lullabies and bedtime stories or filming the daft banter between great uncles on a hill farm in South Wales, to capturing my nephews and nieces imagining their future lives, or editing the ciné film of my parents' young lives abroad...

Whatever the inspiration, each project has been worth the time spent and given huge pleasure and comfort - with even the smallest of projects becoming the heirlooms most shared and valued by all.

Having seen what joy it can bring I'm always keen to encourage others to carve out a little time from busy lives... and curate, create and share their own family treasures that will connect generations and be enjoyed for years to come.

Find out more information about my background HERE.



The small red roofed building is St James Parish Church, Barbados circa 1647 - the oldest church still standing on the island today.  The little image on a map inside the church caught my eye whilst taking a quiet moment within its cool walls one February afternoon in 2017.  It stayed with me, and perhaps took on more significant meaning due to both the timing and place... 

As kids we were lucky to live on the island and spent many happy hours playing on the beach nearby.  Forty years later, and adjusting to the recent loss of our fantastic Dad, in that moment I felt our deep connection with both him and the many happy times we spent together on the island - and that good feeling returns whenever I glimpse this little painting.

So with special people, moments and places at the heart of this venture - and with kind permission from The John Carter Brown Library, RI, USA - I feel it plays an appropriate role as The Archive House logo. 

Needless to say, if you can do visit the church if you're ever on the island.  Find out more about St James, Barbados HERE.